Reifen hinten links abgefahren

Technik des Haflingers

Moderatoren: eniac, Robi, Stef@n

Beiträge: 5586
Registriert: Do Jun 16, 2005 14:13
Wohnort: DE/NRW/Siegen

Reifen hinten links abgefahren

Beitrag von eniac »


Vor einiger Zeitn ist mir aufgefallen das das Rad hinten links aussen starken Abrieb hat. Alle anderen Räder sind OK.
IMG_6029 (Andere).jpg
IMG_6029 (Andere).jpg (104.27 KiB) 4479 mal betrachtet

Ist die krumme Spurstange der Übeltäter ?
IMG_6030 (Andere).jpg
IMG_6030 (Andere).jpg (82.28 KiB) 4479 mal betrachtet

Beiträge: 119
Registriert: Do Sep 24, 2015 19:41

Re: Reifen hinten links abgefahren

Beitrag von heinkeljb »

The outside edge of the tyre looks more worn than the rest, this is usually caused by too much toe in. I.E. the wheel is vertical when the vehicle is travelling with normal weight in it.

The fact that it is only one wheel that is doing it means that the issue must be to do with just that wheel.

Check the spring is seating correctly in the bottom cup and the top cup.

Yes, it is possible that the bent tie rod is the cause - get another one on and getting it set up with the correct shims is going to be a bit tricky as I don't remember seeing any thing in the manual telling you how to set it up correctly.

Haflinger 703AP called Lurch
Beiträge: 5586
Registriert: Do Jun 16, 2005 14:13
Wohnort: DE/NRW/Siegen

Re: Reifen hinten links abgefahren

Beitrag von eniac »

Hey John

Thanx for your reply. The Spring Cups are in a very good shape, also the springs. What I forget to describe is, that the shock absorber left is a different than right. Left on is a alko Trailer Shock, right an original. The Tyre above is on the left side ... So maybe the shock have an impact on that problem ?
I loosen the rod yesterday on the axle side to find out if it had an effect to the half axle. There was an Gap between the Axle Mount and the Rod which i filled up with washers.
I now had to change the tyres to see if it has an effect ...

Beiträge: 119
Registriert: Do Sep 24, 2015 19:41

Re: Reifen hinten links abgefahren

Beitrag von heinkeljb »

Shock absorber being different could have an effect on the tyre. The original shock absorber has damping on both the up and down stroke, if the trailer one only has damping on the up stroke, then the tyre will come down harder than if there was damping on the down stroke, that has the effect on the tyre of making the thread wear different heights between bits of tread towards the front of the Haflinger compared to bit of tread towards the back of the Haflinger in line with the direction of travel. In other words, take one little block of the tread pattern, measure the height of it on the edge towards the front of the Haflinger and then measure the height at the back - You get a slope on each little block. Same wear shows if you over inflate the tyre by a small amount.

The wear on the tyre in the picture above is the result of either the tyre having too much positive camber - in other words the bottom of the tyres on the same axle are closer together at the bottom of the wheel than at the top. If you look at the Haflinger from the back, you will see the bottom of each wheel is in under the body and the top of each wheel is sticking out from the body. Put just the right amount of weight in the back and the two wheels will be vertical. Put too much weight and the bottom of the wheels stick out and the top of the wheel stick in.
So if your springs were not sitting in the cups top or bottom, you would likely have too much positive camber. - You say the springs are good - so that should not be the cause.
The other reason for that sort of wear is because the tyre has got too much "toe in". In other words, the front of the rear tyre is pointing towards the opposite front tyre. The manual tells you how to check the "toe in" on the front wheels to make the Haflinger drive in a straight line and to have some "self centring" - the same applies to the rear wheels, but altering them is not as easy as the front. You have put some washers in already - Unless you use a "NEW" tyre you are not going to be able to tell if you have fixed it until it has already worn the tyre a lot... You can get the rear axles to point straight forward with some careful measurements. If you get it wrong, then you can end up with a Haflinger that drives sideways like a crab!!
Might be easier to go to a garage that has a laser wheel alignment kit.

Good luck,

Haflinger 703AP called Lurch
Beiträge: 5586
Registriert: Do Jun 16, 2005 14:13
Wohnort: DE/NRW/Siegen

Re: Reifen hinten links abgefahren

Beitrag von eniac »

Hey John

Thanx again for your reply … I will study your text at the weekend and will try to find a solution.
keep you updated
